Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another fun item to share with your loved ones over the holiday weekend

A dossier on Aleksey Vayner...

Here's his video resume, a well-sourced wiki page about his brief moment in the shame spotlight (and all he's claimed to have done), and the New York Times article where I first heard about him.

And thinking of watching classic fails with family members, here's one more that my little brother and I really like.

Holiday fun websurfing

Here's the website, complete with how-to instructions, for the Blender Defender (the best way I've seen for teaching the cat to stay off the kitchen counter).

And here's the skinny on Ambien's sleep-eating side effects. The following are but two of the many good tales that people tell about their experiences:

"A woman in Salinas, Calif., whose case is to be included in the Minnesota study, said she would awaken to find candy bar wrappers next to her bed and Popsicle sticks on the floor near the refrigerator...."

And from another patient: '"One day," she said, "I got up — my husband describes this in great detail — I got a package of hamburger buns and I just tore it open like a grizzly bear and just stood there and ate the whole package. He said a couple things to me and then he realized I was asleep." She has switched to working days and no longer takes Ambien."

Monday, November 24, 2008

Something for everyone in today's New York Times

For the CB students:
Here's an article about Ford's greening its product line in an effort to outlast the current economic downturn.

And for Principles:
A story about luxury retailers having to cut back on ad spending, and how that's affecting publishers.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Green case, part 2

Okay, CB -- the case is now posted, and ready for you to get crackin' on!

(The weblink to the instructions are also posted on the calendar at the bottom of the page. Click on the assignment, and the web address should come up.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Green case

Hello to Consumer Behavior,

I have a few things in my office that I want to double-check before I post the case. It'll be up and running by 9 or so tomorrow morning.

Thanks for your patience... This should be a fun one!

IMC instructions for 341

Hi Principles students,

Here are the instructions for the IMC plan that's due after the Thanksgiving break (December 4, to be exact).


Good luck, have fun, and please ask me if you need help or don't understand something!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

341 -- Ad Analysis

Hi to all the Principles students!

Click here to access the directions and example for the ad analysis assignment, which is due next Tuesday (November 25).

For questions 2, 3, & 4, you'll need to use the information from your book to support and explain your analysis.

Good luck and have fun!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

TurnItIn for Case #3

Hi CBers,

Please remember to submit your latest and greatest case studies to TurnItIn.


Chapter 18 slides now posted

See the sidebar to get the goods.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A survey for ALL to complete!

Hi everyone,

Here's an opportunity to win one of two $25 gift cards to Amazon.com.

Just click here to complete a survey about your gift card buying behaviors. At the end, you'll have an opportunity to enter the drawing for a prize.

Thanks so much!

PS You may forward this link on to other people who might be interested in participating in this research as well.


Please note -- Mike Kroff's survey is for BUS 341 students only!

If you're in 343 and have already taken the survey, you'll get credit for it. Otherwise, don't bother taking it.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Please help Mike Kroff!

Dear Students,

Mike Kroff is conducting a survey and needs your help! I'll give an extra credit point to everyone who fills it out.

Please go to the survey

sometime before Tuesday, November 11. It takes 10 minutes or less, and the information you provide will be invaluable.

Thanks so much, and have a great weekend and Veterans' Day!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Consumer Behavior books

Hi CBers,

Click here to access my Amazon "wish list," where you'll find the books I'm thinking about using for teaching this class in future semesters.

Please note: Creswell's book on research design is NOT one that I'd be using in this class -- just look at the other 4.

Research plans -- BUS 341

Hello to my afternoon Principles students,

With all the hubbub at the beginning of class, I forgot to hand back your research assignments.

I've put them in a folder on my door, and you're welcome to come by and pick them up whenever you want to. (I'll be in my office for a while tomorrow, too, if you want to talk about them.)

Sorry about that!

Have a great weekend,

Packaging is Rubbish video

Thanks to Emily for sharing this documentary!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Online grades -- BUS 341

Dear Principles students,

If you send me an email containing a secret code name that's:
1) NOT your Banner ID
2) NOT your Social Security Number
3) NOT identifiable as yours to anyone but you

I'll be happy to put your grades in an online spreadsheet.

The grades here are those belonging to students who have already provided SuperSecret Code Names...

Exciting event next Thursday

I strongly encourage ALL of you to attend. This should be interesting, informative, and useful.


Lyle R. Knight, President and CEO of First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. will discuss "The Credit Crisis: How did we get here and how do we get out of here," on Thursday, November 13. The 50-minute session will begin at 4:10 p.m. in the Procrastinator Theater in the Strand Union Building on the Montana State University (MSU) campus.

Knight, as the David Orser Executive Speakers Forum guest presenter for the MSU College of Business, will share his knowledge of the current credit crisis, how we have arrived at this crisis and what we need to do to counteract it. Business owners, members of the community and MSU students and faculty are encouraged to attend and to participate in a question and answer session following the lecture.

With a degree in banking and finance from the University of Utah and top honors at Pacific Coast Banking School at the University of Washington, Knight has extensive training in the banking and finance field. He began his career in banking as a drive-up teller and worked his way up to become the president and chief executive officer of Security Pacific Bank in Nevada in 1989. Knight currently serves as president and chief executive officer of First Interstate BancSystem, Inc., which is a $5 billion bank holding company, consisting of 50 First Interstate branches located in Montana, Wyoming and 18 branches in South Dakota. He is also advisor to Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve. In addition, Knight is a member of the Federal Advisory Council, representing the Ninth Federal Reserve District, and is a Board Director for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.


Anyone in the afternoon 341 class who wants to go to this lecture is welcome to leave class early in order to do so!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Finish line

As we approach election day tomorrow, I just want to share with you my favorite finish-line video: