Hi consumer behaviorists!
Here are links to popular press articles that could be helpful in putting together your final group projects.
Consumption constellations:
This article is about a "girly" fashion website -- no Carhartts or black labs to be found! -- but the consumer attitudes and behaviors, and the strategic insights and implications (beginning on p. 2) are universal.
The New Yorker)
Celebrity culture:
Here's a thoughtful
analysis of why we find celebrities -- from movie stars to flashes-in-the-pan -- so fascinating.
Here's a
story on how it's affecting some kids.
The New York Times)
Orthorexia only relates to dietary choices. If you'd like to make your wiki more general, i.e., call it "Too much of a good thing," you could also include information about
compulsive exercise addiction.
Engagement rings:
This isn't an article, it's an
advice column. The comments (at the bottom of the page, and on The
Fray) are insightful, enlightening, funny, infuriating, etc....
Geographic loyalty:
From an
article on who owns the phrase "The last best place" ... "Then Kittredge had an epiphany, which may or may not have been helped by the gin-and-tonic he was drinking at the time."
The Washington Post)