Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Entrepreneur Day is coming up!

If you want to go to this and eat free, delicious lunch, you'll need to RSVP to Audrey Lee at ext. 7026, or audrey.lee@montana.edu.

When: Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Where: Montana State University Strand Union Building Ballrooms C

9:00-9:40 am Registration
9:40-10:00 am Welcome & Overview
10:00-10:15 am Summary of Events
10:15-11:00 am Session I (Glimpse of Entrepreneurship Education at MSU CoB)
11:00-11:10 am Break
11:10-12:10 pm Session II (Young Entrepreneurs in Business)
12:10-1:30 pm Lunch & Keynote (Ballroom B)
1:30-2:45 pm Session III (Ask the Experts)

The College of Business is bringing the fourth annual Entrepreneur Day to Montana State University as part of its on-going community service to enhance entrepreneurial spirit and education. The program design of Entrepreneur Day is intended for high school and college students, but anyone interested in entrepreneurship or business is welcome to attend.

This free event will take place in the Strand Union Ballrooms B & C on the MSU campus Tuesday, April 1. Registration starts at 9:00 a.m., with the final session ending at 3:00 p.m. Reservations are requested by Friday, March 28, but early reservations are suggested as space is limited.

The day will be broken into several panel sessions. Session I will provide students a glimpse into the Alderson Program in Entrepreneurship (the only university program of its kind in the state) and some of the entrepreneurial and business management courses available through the College of Business, in collaboration with The Center for Entrepreneurship for the New West. A panel of students enrolled in these courses will offer insight on projects they are working on, courses designed to provide guidance to future business owners and competitions open to student participation.

A lively interactive conversation between a panel of young entrepreneurs and the audience will take place for Session II. The panelists will share ideas on personal experiences, personality types they believe fit the role of an entrepreneur, educational needs, as well as resources that have helped them develop as entrepreneurs.

Robin Béquet, owner of Béquet Confections, an artisan caramel business, will be the featured keynote speaker during the noon hour luncheon. Over the past six years, Béquet’s high-end, gourmet caramels have won numerous awards in the gourmet food industry. Over 600 gourmet markets and natural food stores across the country carry these award winning, all-natural, Béquet™ Gourmet Caramels.

The final session of the day will be an open question and answer time with a panel of experts who provide services or advice to entrepreneurs beginning and expanding their businesses. They will share knowledge and real-life stories as the group explores what needs to be done, once a business is established, in order for it to succeed.

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