Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Babies study guide (and other stuff)

Study guide: You asked for it, you got it!  I'll hand out hard copies in class tomorrow, too.

REMINDER:  The date for case #3 (about Babies and culture) has been moved to next Wednesday, April 25.

If we need to, we will use Monday, April 23 to finish up wikis, since there are a lot of you who still need to present.  If we don't need to do wikis on Monday, we still need to get together to take care of end-of-semester business:
  • Working on your group wikis
  • Answering questions you might have about case #3
  • Filling out Knapp forms

To make coming to class more, uh, palatable, I'll bring Granny's donuts.  Okay?  So everyone come!

Note:  I'll be posting fairly extensive instructions/guidelines/examples for your group wikis this afternoon, so stay tuned...

Image sources: 

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