Saturday, February 9, 2008

Okay... just... wow...

Want to read about some really interesting consumer behavior?

I thought so...


C.Derks said...

this is pretty interesting..i'm not really for sure how soon or if this will ever really catch the public of the U.S. ....primarily for the reason stated in the article....most people have a negative opinion of insects, and to get around to eating the crawlers....might be a stretch for people..but none the less..good article..maybe have to start looking for insects on the menus

Graham said...

I think you're correct in your assessment. My little sister gave all her nieces and nephews bug candy for Christmas one year -- ant chocolate, lollipops with butterflies in them, etc. and the kids didn't seem to mind them. (Hey, it's *candy*.) Also, there's an event in Athens, GA every year where they serve grasshopper pizza and other delicacies. Again, people eat them, but probably more for the "Fear Factor" effect. I don't know if they're delicious or not....