Friday, April 18, 2008

Rituals assignment

Hi 343ers,

For the "Rituals" assignment that's due next week, you'll need to write a story about a ritual that you take part in.

It could be
  • something you do daily (e.g., always drying your hair before you put on your makeup),
  • preparations for situations where you want to do well (e.g., always wearing a suit to school on days when you have exams),
  • holiday traditions (e.g., always getting a call from Uncle Jim, who pretends to be Santa and asks you what you want for Christmas, even though you're now 22 years old),
  • taking care of prized possessions (e.g. always applying the Armor All to the interior of your car in the exact same way),
  • etc.
All of the examples above are real-life examples from students. And last semester, before I was on the DL, I wrote one of my own.

Have fun!

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