Sunday, December 21, 2008

CB grades

Hi consumer behaviorists,

With just a few exceptions, I've got all your final cases graded and your overall semester grades calculated. I'll submit these to the registrar's office tomorrow morning.

Please check the website to see how you did. If you're wondering about extra credit, it's factored into your grades (you can re-do the math to see how you would've fared without those points).

In general, I was really impressed by your final case studies. You've given me food for thought over the holiday season. Thank you for that, and for a wonderful semester!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Grades are up for 341

Section 5 grades are now posted. Please check to see that they're accurate. I have to turn them in to the registrar's office tomorrow.

Thanks for a great semester, everyone. I hope you have a wonderful break!

Consumer behavior

Hi CB,

Please turn your case #5 in to me by 3:50 tomorrow afternoon. (Thanks to those students who got them in early!) Make sure to submit your assignments to TurnItIn as well.

I'll be in the classroom at 2:00, if anyone would like to discuss the case.

I'll turn 'em around as quickly as I can. Please look at the grade sheet online and make sure that all your grades are entered correctly for the semester.

Thanks, and good luck!

341.01 Final grades

Hi to the Principles students!

Section 1 -- I've finished ALL your grading (S&Ts, final papers & presentations, clicker anomalies, extra credit), and have posted an abbreviated version of the final spreadsheet on the secret code sheet.


Section 5 -- Your presentation grades are posted; I'm working on your papers now.

Thanks for all your hard work this semester!


Monday, December 15, 2008

Updated grades for 341

Hi everyone,

I know that I'm still missing a few S&T grades (since I didn't go into my office today), but the latest grade book online should be up-to-date, for the most part. If there's something missing (besides a show and tell from last week), please let me know as soon as you can.

Please note: There are no extra credit points factored into the "final" grade at this point.

Also, several people have asked what they should write in the executive summary of the final project. This is an excellent resource.

Good luck with all your finals!

Articles for case #5

Russ Belk -- "Possessions and the Extended Self"
This is from the Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 15 (2), Sept. 1988

Available through JSTOR & Business Source Premiere

The other article that's fun, shorter, and maybe more enjoyable is Wallendorf and Arnould's article, "We Gather Together: Consumption Rituals of Thanksgiving Day"
It's also from JCR, vol. 18 (1), June 1991

Out sick!

Dear students,

I'm so sorry -- I've been feeling puny since Friday afternoon, and won't be on campus today.

If you need to get in touch with me, PLEASE email and I'll get back to you asap.



Thursday, December 11, 2008

341 Group member evaluations

Hi to the Principles classes!

Each student nees to print, fill out and submit an evaluation form for your group members. This is an individual assignment -- I should get 1 from each of you when you turn in your final projects.

Thank you.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Case #5 now available

Hello to CB,

Here's the final case study.

Please let me know if the links are acting funny. This has been a pretty frustrating day -- I don't know if it's Google Docs, my computer, or me...

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hi CB,

Please submit your case #4 to TurnItIn. It'll be open for the next week, in order for you to do so.


Updated grade sheets

Find out how you're doing right here.

If there are any errors in your grades, please let me know ASAP!

CB assignment

Dear CB,

Please write a short, informal essay about some ritual activity that you engage in.

It can be related to a holiday, a family tradition, your daily grooming, something you always do with your best friend, or anything else that counts as a consumer ritual. (See the literature for ritual behaviors, if you haven't read it already.)

Here's one that I wrote last year.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I strongly recommend you read this article from Portfolio. It's a study of three men who saw the impending Wall Street implosion, years before it actually melted down, and how they figured out what was going on.

Fascinating and illuminating stuff.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another fun item to share with your loved ones over the holiday weekend

A dossier on Aleksey Vayner...

Here's his video resume, a well-sourced wiki page about his brief moment in the shame spotlight (and all he's claimed to have done), and the New York Times article where I first heard about him.

And thinking of watching classic fails with family members, here's one more that my little brother and I really like.

Holiday fun websurfing

Here's the website, complete with how-to instructions, for the Blender Defender (the best way I've seen for teaching the cat to stay off the kitchen counter).

And here's the skinny on Ambien's sleep-eating side effects. The following are but two of the many good tales that people tell about their experiences:

"A woman in Salinas, Calif., whose case is to be included in the Minnesota study, said she would awaken to find candy bar wrappers next to her bed and Popsicle sticks on the floor near the refrigerator...."

And from another patient: '"One day," she said, "I got up — my husband describes this in great detail — I got a package of hamburger buns and I just tore it open like a grizzly bear and just stood there and ate the whole package. He said a couple things to me and then he realized I was asleep." She has switched to working days and no longer takes Ambien."

Monday, November 24, 2008

Something for everyone in today's New York Times

For the CB students:
Here's an article about Ford's greening its product line in an effort to outlast the current economic downturn.

And for Principles:
A story about luxury retailers having to cut back on ad spending, and how that's affecting publishers.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Green case, part 2

Okay, CB -- the case is now posted, and ready for you to get crackin' on!

(The weblink to the instructions are also posted on the calendar at the bottom of the page. Click on the assignment, and the web address should come up.)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Green case

Hello to Consumer Behavior,

I have a few things in my office that I want to double-check before I post the case. It'll be up and running by 9 or so tomorrow morning.

Thanks for your patience... This should be a fun one!

IMC instructions for 341

Hi Principles students,

Here are the instructions for the IMC plan that's due after the Thanksgiving break (December 4, to be exact).

Good luck, have fun, and please ask me if you need help or don't understand something!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

341 -- Ad Analysis

Hi to all the Principles students!

Click here to access the directions and example for the ad analysis assignment, which is due next Tuesday (November 25).

For questions 2, 3, & 4, you'll need to use the information from your book to support and explain your analysis.

Good luck and have fun!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

TurnItIn for Case #3

Hi CBers,

Please remember to submit your latest and greatest case studies to TurnItIn.


Chapter 18 slides now posted

See the sidebar to get the goods.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A survey for ALL to complete!

Hi everyone,

Here's an opportunity to win one of two $25 gift cards to

Just click here to complete a survey about your gift card buying behaviors. At the end, you'll have an opportunity to enter the drawing for a prize.

Thanks so much!

PS You may forward this link on to other people who might be interested in participating in this research as well.


Please note -- Mike Kroff's survey is for BUS 341 students only!

If you're in 343 and have already taken the survey, you'll get credit for it. Otherwise, don't bother taking it.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Please help Mike Kroff!

Dear Students,

Mike Kroff is conducting a survey and needs your help! I'll give an extra credit point to everyone who fills it out.

Please go to the survey

sometime before Tuesday, November 11. It takes 10 minutes or less, and the information you provide will be invaluable.

Thanks so much, and have a great weekend and Veterans' Day!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Consumer Behavior books

Hi CBers,

Click here to access my Amazon "wish list," where you'll find the books I'm thinking about using for teaching this class in future semesters.

Please note: Creswell's book on research design is NOT one that I'd be using in this class -- just look at the other 4.

Research plans -- BUS 341

Hello to my afternoon Principles students,

With all the hubbub at the beginning of class, I forgot to hand back your research assignments.

I've put them in a folder on my door, and you're welcome to come by and pick them up whenever you want to. (I'll be in my office for a while tomorrow, too, if you want to talk about them.)

Sorry about that!

Have a great weekend,

Packaging is Rubbish video

Thanks to Emily for sharing this documentary!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Online grades -- BUS 341

Dear Principles students,

If you send me an email containing a secret code name that's:
1) NOT your Banner ID
2) NOT your Social Security Number
3) NOT identifiable as yours to anyone but you

I'll be happy to put your grades in an online spreadsheet.

The grades here are those belonging to students who have already provided SuperSecret Code Names...

Exciting event next Thursday

I strongly encourage ALL of you to attend. This should be interesting, informative, and useful.


Lyle R. Knight, President and CEO of First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. will discuss "The Credit Crisis: How did we get here and how do we get out of here," on Thursday, November 13. The 50-minute session will begin at 4:10 p.m. in the Procrastinator Theater in the Strand Union Building on the Montana State University (MSU) campus.

Knight, as the David Orser Executive Speakers Forum guest presenter for the MSU College of Business, will share his knowledge of the current credit crisis, how we have arrived at this crisis and what we need to do to counteract it. Business owners, members of the community and MSU students and faculty are encouraged to attend and to participate in a question and answer session following the lecture.

With a degree in banking and finance from the University of Utah and top honors at Pacific Coast Banking School at the University of Washington, Knight has extensive training in the banking and finance field. He began his career in banking as a drive-up teller and worked his way up to become the president and chief executive officer of Security Pacific Bank in Nevada in 1989. Knight currently serves as president and chief executive officer of First Interstate BancSystem, Inc., which is a $5 billion bank holding company, consisting of 50 First Interstate branches located in Montana, Wyoming and 18 branches in South Dakota. He is also advisor to Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve. In addition, Knight is a member of the Federal Advisory Council, representing the Ninth Federal Reserve District, and is a Board Director for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.


Anyone in the afternoon 341 class who wants to go to this lecture is welcome to leave class early in order to do so!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Finish line

As we approach election day tomorrow, I just want to share with you my favorite finish-line video:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Research opportunity for CB students

Hi to the CB class,

As I mentioned in class yesterday, you have the opportunity to earn up to 10 points by doing some digging into the annals of literature and history. I'll give one point for each *excellent* example you provide.

Please help me find materials related to people's consuming/giving small luxuries & treats during periods of economic hardship. These can be from fiction & non-fiction books, magazine & newspaper articles, advertisements, movies, tv shows, etc.

Tell me:
1) what the source is,
2) who wrote it and when,
3) where the money comes from,
4) what the treat(s) is/are,
5) what the theme(s) of the story is/are

Examples: The Christmas segment in Little Women, novel by Louisa May Alcott (1869) -- Frugality; Food, gifts; Sharing is best way to treat yourself
The bun segment in Sara Crewe, children's novel by F. H. Burnett (1905). On this web page, this section starts with the line, "Some very odd things happen in this world sometimes..." -- Found money; Food; Sharing is best way to treat yourself
The Recessionista, blog by Mary Hall (July 2008 -- present) -- Frugality, coupons; Food & drinks, clothes & accessories, decoration, entertaining, vacations ("staycations"); It's possible to have fun and save money if you're careful
"A Label for a Pleather Economy," feature article by Natasha Singer (NY Times 10/24/08) -- Frugality, changing spending habits; Fashion; Consumers want to treat themselves, cute terms can help make cutting back more acceptable in people's minds
Bates Fabrics, magazine(?) advertisement (1939) -- Bridal budget; Bed linens; Beauty + heirloom quality + great value = smart purchase

I'm especially interested in non-2008, non-American, non-female-oriented examples (since everything I've come up with on the spur of the moment seems pretty girly...).

Thanks in advance for your help! I'm looking forward to seeing what you can find :-)

Packaging analysis

Hello all 341 students,

Here are the directions for the packaging assignment that's due next Thursday. Please read the chapter before you do your own writeup -- I guarantee you'll do a much better job if you know what you're talking about when you start writing!

Wikipedia has a really good page about packaging that is both informative and interesting. I highly recommend that you read it in addition to the book -- it contains additional information that is valuable to your understanding as a consumer and a marketing student.

Have a wonderful weekend, be sure to vote, and I'll see you all next week!

(photo credit: alison*h/flickr)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

341 slides posted

You can now download the slides for chapters 12 and 13. I think we'll be all caught up tomorrow!

See you then,

Monday, October 27, 2008

341 assignment help

Hello to principles students!

I hope you all had a nice weekend.

I've made up a sample of how you might write up your research assignment that's due tomorrow.

If you're already done and happy with your work, there's no need to change it. This is just for people who might be struggling to find a way to organize their work (for them to write and me to read).

See you all tomorrow,

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

CB case #3 -- Subcultures

Hello to consumer behavior,

Please read the case about subcultures before you start watching Dark Days on Thursday. That way you can take good notes while you watch.

Please note -- I've bold-faced the most important aspects of each question, to make sure that you get what I'm asking. I hope it helps!

Have a great rest of the week, and I'll see you next Tuesday!

CB reminder

Hello to consumer behavior students!

Please remember to submit your cases to TurnItIn, as well as giving me hard copies in class.

Also, be sure to use your code name, rather than your real name, on your cases.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My sister's wedding

The happy couple :-)


Air New Zealand is trying a new promotion that's getting international attention... (Please note, "top Kiwi band Elemeno P will entertain the crowd" -- reason enough to grab your passport and head to Auckland!)

In other news:
The happiest way to have a heart attack

New product development at its finest

A instantly classic ad, featuring the amazing David Belle

Monday, October 13, 2008

Office hours this week

Hi all,

We've got visitors on campus this week who will be pulling me away from office hours on Thursday.

I'll be out of my office 9:00-9:30 on Thursday to meet with a prospective accounting faculty member. I'll also be out 12:30-? in order to have lunch with Dave Olsen (Senior VP of culture and leadership development, Starbucks).

Other than those times, I'll be in my office for most of this week. Please get in touch if you need to meet with me at a specific time. I'm happy to get together!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

CB Case #2

Hey everyone,

I hope you're having a wonderful, snowy Homecoming weekend!

Case #2 should be a fun one to work on. If you want to use alternate source material for question #1, it's probably fine, but you might want to ask me first, just to be sure.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Meet the recruiters TONIGHT

Hi everyone,

I know we talked a lot about it yesterday, but I want to emphasize what a great opportunity tonight and tomorrow present to you and future MSU students.

The "Meet the Recruiters" event tonight begins at 5:00 pm at the Stadium Club on the 2nd floor. Dress is business casual -- please don't wear short skirts, jeans, t-shirts, flip flops, tennis shoes, etc! There will be refreshments available, so this is a perfect opportunity to practice balancing a snack and a drink while impressing a potential employer with your intelligence and charm.

Tomorrow is the big career fair at the SUB. Again, I urge you to dress nicely, and to remember to take a handful of clean, unwrinkled, updated resumes with you. Even if you aren't planning on doing anything more than just checking out the scene, it would be a shame if you found something you were really interested in and weren't able to make the best impression possible.

Go knock 'em dead!

Job hunting tips, 101

Just in time for this week's career-building opportunities comes this great article from the New York Times!

Good luck to you all,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Giant Pool of Money

Click here to download or stream an entertaining and informative hour-long radio program that profiles some of the regular Joes who contributed to the current economic crisis.

It's really good and offers a unique perspective on the whole thing. It's not Phil Gramm, Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson talking -- it's the bartender-turned-mortgage bundler and other small actors in the subprime mortgage dramedy...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

CB links

Hey CB,

Here are links to the CGM websites I showed in class today:

The Spec Spot
-- ads made on spec by current and future creatives
Visit 4 Info -- ads (TV and movie trailers) from around the world
Jones Soda -- soliciting label art and "fortunes" from people just like you!

And here's a link to the story about the Aqua Teen Hunger Force bomb scare from January 2007 (guerrilla marketing gone wrong!).

Have a great weekend,

BUS 341 -- Selective attention/perception

Hey Principles students,

Here's an article about how we process political information -- very interesting!

Happy weekend,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

CB -- "A Love Story" essay

Hi CB,

Next Tuesday, you've got an assignment due, a short essay entitled, "A Love Story."

Please read about the extended self in the book and on the wiki (Drew talked about it in class yesterday), then write about an item that you feel is a part of your extended self -- something you'd run into a burning building to save.

In your essay, tell me what this thing is, where/how/when you got it, and why you love it as much as you do.

This should be a fun one!

CB -- case #1 clarification

Hi everyone,

If you're confused about question 3, try thinking about it this way:
What are firms really saying to their consumers by encouraging CGM? What social and economic messages are they sending out to their consumers (and others)?

Good luck!
See you tomorrow,

PS Another clarification, re turning in late assignments: Friday is -1 letter, Monday is -2, etc.

Monday, September 15, 2008

CB -- Case #1


Click here to access the reading and questions for the first case study. The link from the calendar should work as well.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

This guy wants your help!

Dear Graham,

Thanks so much for stopping by our booth at the Farmer's Market last Saturday. I would love to follow up with you regarding your offer to have your students work on marketing ideas for our company.

Our current site is, and over the next few weeks we'll be launching our new site, a beta of which you can see at As you can see, we're already in the process of rebranding and repositioning. So all more input welcome!

We're a small company, about one year old, with the mission of selling organic t-shirts and related products that help promote a positive, sustainable message. We think of our shirts as Billboards for Change. We sell in about 20 stores and online. Deciding on how to market our message is of great interest and importance for us.

I would be glad to explain our history, experience, and growth with you and your students in greater detail. Simply let me know how you see the process moving forward.

You can reach me on this email or on my cell 917.915.4400.

Thanks again,

Otto Pohl
CEO (Chief Evolution Officer)
Darwin Design Clothing Company
321 East Main Street – Suite 408
Bozeman, MT 59715
phone: 800-807-4628
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

CB textbooks' content reconciliation

Hi CB,

Check the calendar at the bottom of this page to see what information we're covering each day.

If you're using the 7th edition of the book, your chapter numbers will match those on the syllabus. If you're using an earlier or later edition of the book, you should make sure that you're studying the same information at the same time as the rest of the class.

I hope fall semester is going great for everyone!

Business plan selection (341)

Hey Principles students,

I don't know if everyone is having trouble with the link to the first assignment, or just some people, so I'm posting it again.

Try here.

If that link doesn't work, try this address:

Remember, this is due Thursday, 11 September.

Good luck!

Monday, September 8, 2008

343 book for sale

If anyone needs a Solomon book, Stephanie Cole is selling one for $50 (o.b.o.?). Write to her at stephaniecole32 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

341 updates

Hi all,

The links for all the BUS 341 assignments should be working now, both through the calendar, as well as through the master doc for the final project.

Also, I put a copy of the textbook on reserve in the library.

See you all tomorrow,

PS Next week, in 341 we're going to watch, rather than The Persuaders. You might still want to watch The Persuaders, which is very interesting as well (but more CB oriented).

Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome back!

Hi everyone,

Welcome to fall semester, 2008!

I'll be using this blog to communicate with my students in BUS 341 and MKT 343 -- I hope you find it useful and entertaining.

Please check out the features of this blog, and feel free to suggest others. It's improved a lot since I started writing it, thanks to input from students on what I can do to make it more interesting, informative, and user-friendly.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all!


Friday, May 9, 2008

If you haven't studied...

... but you want to give an exam a go anyway, as a grader I suggest this type of effort.

Your teacher will appreciate your sense of humor, your honesty about the minimal effort you put into preparation, and the fact that you showed up anyway, just in case you miraculously got lucky. We love optimism, but if you're going to fake it (and we're going to read it) you might as well do it with flair.

(Best answer on this exam: "fork + shoe = spleen.")

Thanks, everyone!

Hello to all three classes,

I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed teaching all y'all this semester. I appreciate the hard work that you've done, the input you've given both in and out of class, and how much you've shown and told me!

Good luck with all your endeavors. I'm looking forward to seeing some, if not all, of you next fall.

Enjoy your summer,

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Study break fun

If you find this album cover delightfully disturbing, or disturbingly delightful, you might also enjoy flipping through the other 49 that have been compiled for your viewing pleasure...
Hi CB,

If the links to the two academic journal articles don't work (Zavestoski and Belk), here's the complete citation info you can use to look them up. I recommend using Google Scholar. It's pretty great.

"The social-psychological bases of anticonsumption attitudes" by Stephen Zavestoski
Psychology and Marketing
January 2002, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 149-165

"Possessions and the Extended Self" by Russell W. Belk
Journal of Consumer Research
September 1988, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 139-168

Friday, May 2, 2008

A plea for help...

Dear students,

I need to do one last piece of data collection in order to finish my dissertation, and wonder if any of you, and/or any of your friends/family/acquaintances/roommates/coworkers/etc. would be interested in helping me.

I need to run several focus groups to examine how consumers use brands as non-verbal communication. These f.g.s will run about 2 hours, participants will get paid $10 (+ snacks!), and you'll get to talk about all the things you love and hate about certain brands, companies, marketing methods, and more. Those people who are especially talkative or offer unique points of view will be invited to do a separate, one-on-one interview at a later time (with another $10 in it for the trouble).

I'm willing to work around people's schedules in order to facilitate this process -- date, time, & place are flexible (though I hope to do all of them the week of May 11-17).

I'm attaching my officially approved recruiting poster, and hope that even if you're not able to help, you'll pass the word along to potentially interested parties. The only restriction is that all participants are over the age of 18.

Thanks in advance,

PS I'm going to post this on Facebook as well, if that's easier for people to access.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Do as I blog, not as I say

Dear 341,

Please disregard everything I said about the time value of money yesterday.

I think I must've either been falling asleep or smoking crack when I thought that I was learning about this very important financial concept.

I'm embarrassed to have made such an egregious error in class, and hope that you'll all forgive me and not go blabbing in public about this as I did.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Marketing plan examples

Hey 341,

I made copies of the projects as you requested. They're on my office door (Reid 347). Please don't take one if you didn't ask for it, and only take one per group. If you think you need another one (like, you signed up for the wrong one), let me know asap and I'll make you a copy.

Good luck on ALL your finals!

Ta da!

Okay, CBers --

Case #6 is up and ready for you to get crackin' on.

For those of you who don't need to write this last one, I still need you to read the articles and come to the discussion day next week. Don't worry -- they're fun, you'll love them.

Good luck to everyone on your finals!!


Monday, April 28, 2008

Mobile marketing is coming

Remember that firm ShotCode, that makes it possible to buy stuff -- concert tickets, soft drinks, tennis shoes, etc. -- directly through your phone when you take a picture of the target-shaped bar code?

Here's a new, similar application that's getting tons of press today: SnapTell. This program rewards customers (who photograph ads and text them to a special phone number) by sending them free ringtones, videos, games, etc. No bar code required.

Both programs greatly enhance ROI for advertisers, since the ads, and the contact phone number, will allow them to track exactly which ads the customer are seeing and responding to. They can be anywhere -- print, outdoor, guerrilla, etc. Of course, the advertisers also get the benefit of all the database info they can compile based on user-supplied information.

You can check out SnapTell ads in the current (and future?) issues of Rolling Stone and Men's Health magazines.

Pricing articles

I read in the NY Times this morning two very good articles related to food pricing.

The first is on price elasticity of demand (PED), related to how people are changing the ways they eat during the current economic downturn.

(Here's a good primer for everyone to read in order to learn -- or brush up on -- what the term "elasticity" means. If you don't read anything else in this post, read this.)

The second article is about proposed solutions (i.e., taxes) for the carbon costs of transporting food around the world. Who should pay these costs? Growers? Shippers? Retailers? Consumers?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3...

Does this link go to a 4-question case study??

I'm about to bite a hole in something... Until now, I thought Google could do no wrong!

Thanks to Casarae, Lorena, Gabrielle, Clifford, and Julie for alerting me to the ongoing saga of Case #5.

My apologies for the inconvenience!

A green-collar future

Hi all,

There's a conference coming up right after graduation about Montana's future economic prospects in a changing climate.

While the press release doesn't mention marketing in particular, as we all know, marketing is the engine for all economic enterprise. This might be a valuable thing for some of you to do in all your spare time at the beginning of the summer (plus you might get to meet the Governor!)...

CB Case #5

Dear students,

Yesterday, Julie S. and I discovered that there are apparently two versions of the case study that somehow pop up when you click on the earlier link I posted. I don't quite know how that happened, since I only posted it once.

Anyway, I've republished it in Google Docs, and you can access it here.

There should be only *4* questions, and Q2 should read:
2. How does culture play a part of how we feel about certain things? Does utilitarian meaning differ from person to person (or culture to culture)? Explain.

If, for some reason, you get a version that has 5 questions (with Q2 being about metaphors used in marketing), please let me know asap.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

A FunPack (TM) of articles!

Hi guys,

I've found links to a bunch of fun stuff related to things we talked about in all three classes today.

Nickel Beer Night
-- the best baseball promotion ever (even though the beers really cost a dime, or three for a quarter). I got this a little wrong -- the game went into the ninth inning before the riot really got hot and the Indians had to forfeit to the Rangers. Prior to that, though, there was plenty of mooning, flashing, streaking, and fighting. All in a good night's work!

Not sure what the best way is to memorialize a loved one, be it your parent, pet or partner? Lifegem has got the answer for you. Sparkly! Romantic! Creepy!

Here's the seminal article about consumption rituals, specifically Thanksgiving, that I mentioned in CB today. And here's the trailer for Pieces of April, a lovely movie about a dysfunctional family celebrating Thanksgiving together. It's also got a great soundtrack, by Stephin Merritt (of the Magnetic Fields).

Finally, this is an article from the NYTimes about how people's cognitive processes are shaped by the primary language they learn. Very interesting to think about!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Have you ever wondered how many pesticides are in the fruits and veggies that you eat?

You don't have to wonder any longer!

If this info freaks you out, or if you need to let off some steam during finals week, I recommend turning to Twinkies for comfort, like these students did.

Marketing plan outline

Hi 341ers,

I've posted an outline you might want to follow in order to prepare your final projects. If you don't like this outline, you're free to use another one (for example, Appendix C in your textbook). Just make sure you are logical and thorough in how you present your data.

Also, I'm going to bring in some examples of other excellent student projects next week, so that you have something to base your own performance on.

Remember, you not only have to turn in the written report, you also have to give a presentation during the final meeting (May 9th, 12:00 pm). Your group should determine the best way to present your material -- one person might be the best one to do all the talking, or you might want to share the love. It's up to you; just make sure it's quality!

Finally, I've posted a student-made TV ad for you to watch and maybe use as inspiration -- it's really simple, yet really effective. I think he made it with stock photos using iMovie (on a Mac), and had a friend play about three notes on an acoustic guitar while he read from a script he'd written. I think it's way cool! (My one criticism is that it's a 41-second long spot... not exactly a standard length for media-planning purposes.)

Okay, have fun!

CB -- Final case discussions

Hi CB students,

There seems to be some confusion about finals for this class.

You're not taking a final! The last class will be just like all the other case study days. Come to your regular classroom, prepared to discuss the anticonsumption case that you've written.

The 8:00 class will meet on May 6th at 2:00 pm.
The 11:00 class will meet on May 5th at 2:00 pm.

If you need to know what days/times your other finals are, you can get all the info here.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Extra credit opportunity

Hey everyone,

Here's a way to make a few extra points this semester (1% of your final grade).

Dr. Kroff is conducting a survey for his research and needs subjects to answer it. It takes about 15 minutes or so.

After you've answered all the questions, you'll be prompted to enter your name and mine, so that you can get the credit. (This info will be banked in a separate file to preserve confidentiality.) If you're already doing this for another class, you're in luck -- this is one of the few times that double-dipping is allowed. I'll make sure to go through all the names and give credit where it's due, even if you entered another prof's name.

Thanks for your help!

Rituals assignment

Hi 343ers,

For the "Rituals" assignment that's due next week, you'll need to write a story about a ritual that you take part in.

It could be
  • something you do daily (e.g., always drying your hair before you put on your makeup),
  • preparations for situations where you want to do well (e.g., always wearing a suit to school on days when you have exams),
  • holiday traditions (e.g., always getting a call from Uncle Jim, who pretends to be Santa and asks you what you want for Christmas, even though you're now 22 years old),
  • taking care of prized possessions (e.g. always applying the Armor All to the interior of your car in the exact same way),
  • etc.
All of the examples above are real-life examples from students. And last semester, before I was on the DL, I wrote one of my own.

Have fun!

Greatest ad campaigns of all time

Thanks to Kurt for sending this in! You shouldn't need to subscribe to AdAge in order to access this site.

Bob Garfield's analysis at the bottom of the list is also excellent. (I love the phrase "savory cardiovascular time bombs," used to describe McDonald's fare.) Also, be sure to check out the other items in the sidebar on the right -- there are all kinds of interesting factoids you can use to impress your friends and win fabulous prizes!

While I'm making recommendations, I'll go ahead and say that "Dirtbag Lunch" might be my favorite print ad of all time. "Dirtbag Twister," which I mentioned in class, is also high on the list. (The sleeping guy in the photo is actually MSU alum Jeff Wogoman, who's now Cloudveil's director of marketing. He got the job when the photographer at the shoot determined that the professional model they'd hired was too good looking to be plausible as a couch-surfing climbing bum.)

While you're poking around and being impressed, you might want to look at all the work done by Alex Rice -- the art director behind the dirtbag campaign. Well, this probably isn't everything he's done, but it's a great little gallery of promotional ideas.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Meaning of Things

Hey CBers,

Remember, Case #5 is due at the end of the month!

I think this one is really fun and interesting -- it's my favorite case of the semester. Although it's a little looser as far as "right answers" go, you should still strive for precision and strength in your interpretation of the material. In fact, I think this one might be a bit dangerous, in that some students tend to make flabby, unsupported arguments when analyzing and answering questions like these. Don't do it!! Just because it's fun doesn't mean you can be lazy.

Things to watch out for:
  • Statements such as, "Because all people are different, we can't really know what the standard of behavior is in situation X..."
Of course we can.

  • Or the opposite, "I think I just want what all Americans want: job, home, family, dog..."
Generalization is dangerous business.

  • Beginning sentences with the phrase, "More and more..."
I hate this phrase. It's dead to me. Be specific.

  • Finally, using fluff and filler. Although these questions are all related (hence their being included together in the case), your answer for each should be distinct, well-considered, and well-argued. Even question #4 will need support from more than just your own experiences.
Okay, other than that, there should be no problems... But seriously, let me know if there's something that you can't work out.

Ad analysis assignment

Hey 341,

These are the instructions for the assignment due next week.

Sorry I can't find this ad online to include with the example -- the student who wrote the analysis turned in the paper ad itself. However, I think he did a good enough job describing everything that you'll understand what he's talking about, even without seeing it for yourself.

Please note how much analysis he does, relative to how much describing he does. As you'll be turning in your own examples, you should focus on "reading" what the ad is doing, instead of merely telling me what it looks like and says. You sometimes will need to describe in order to analyze; just don't let it be the only thing you do.

Also, please note the terminology that this student uses. You'll improve your grade on this assignment if you make sure to include info on things like "copy" and "layout" and "headline"... Therefore, I strongly recommend reading chapter 19 before you write this up and turn it in!

Word out.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

You know the old saying, pt. 2

I'm... I'm... speechless...

Speaking of...

How funny that we should've just been talking about the safety of Lexan (best known as Nalgene) bottles, when this article (about toxic plastic leaching into food/drinks and its effect on humans) appears!

In contrast, Sigg has changed the way it lines its bottles in order to avoid leaching.

It'll be interesting to see what changes -- if any -- this makes in consumer behavior.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

You know the old saying

Consumers don't know what they want. They only want what they know.

How true it is...

How did we ever get along without such a marvel of modern engineering??

Win $15,000!

If you're interested in a career in advertising, here's your chance to catch a break into the biz.

Even if you're not interested in a career in advertising, this is an interesting and informative website. You can check out contributions from other college students and compare your efforts/ideas to theirs.

Monday, April 14, 2008

IMC instructions (for 341)

Hey everyone,

Here are the instructions for the IMC assignment that's due next Thursday.

Good luck, work hard, have fun!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Internship opportunity

If you're at loose ends for the summer and want an amazing opportunity to learn a lot and not get paid, this might be the gig for you!

Please note that you need to know something about web editing, and have *excellent* written communication skills (see item 4.1).

It looks like fun, though, if you've got those things covered.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stuff for 341

Go here for an updated schedule. Note that these are minor changes to the timeline.

Here are the slides you'll need for these last few weeks of class:
Chapter 14
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapters 20 & 22 to follow soon...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hey roadies...

... and would-be roadies.

Team Delphine -- the bike racing team I'm on -- is having an open house this Thursday (April 10) from 6:00-8:00 pm. There'll be refreshments and ladies in spandex who'll be happy to chat about the first women's cycling development team in Montana.

If you or someone you know is interested in getting into racing, come to the Owenhouse bike shop (right behind the hardware store on Main St.) and check it out!

Genericized names

What do dry ice, heroin, and trampolines have in common?

They don't just make for interesting Halloween parties. Check out this pretty comprehensive list of genericized (and protected) trade names.

And here's the Wiki entry for genericide, which is also fairly accurate. Note, though, that the list of examples doesn't distinguish which brands are still protected (e.g., Google, Kleenex, Jacuzzi), and which have lost their protection (e.g., aspirin, zipper).

I can't find confirmation online about this, but I heard once that the word "zonk" (as in, "I totally zonked out for three days after finals were over!") was originally the name of a narcotic-based patent medicine at the turn of the 20th century.

Product recommendation

I urge everyone to try Wilcoxson's licorice flavored ice cream. It's amazing. It also has the added benefits of (1) being almost perfectly black, which makes for a strange and satisfying dairy-eating experience, and (2) temporarily staining your lips, teeth and tongue a very dark color, though not quite black.

Get some at Myo at the mall, then walk around eating it and imagining yourself as a goth high school student. It's fun and tasty!

For a not-so-nice strange licorice treat, you can pick up salty licorice at the Cost Plus (on 19th Ave) in the candy section. They're the ones shaped like fish... Great for April Fools!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Interesting article

How do you successfully brand a political campaign?

Maybe the secret's in the typeface you choose...

In the house

Hi all,

I forgot that I have a physical therapy appt at 1:30 today, so I won't be in the office until 3, as I thought. I'll be in the office for a little while, but I'm unsure when...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

CB case #4

Hola chiquitos,

Get the next case here.

PLEASE don't freak out when you see all the readings I've provided in the document. All of these are popular press, short, average-Joe kinds of articles. You don't even have to read them all. Just use what you think is best to answer the questions, or even provide your own input into the source material (but make sure to cite your sources!).

Questions? Call, email, or stop by my office.

Have a great weekend,

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chapter 11 slides...

... are here.

You should also read about Everett Rogers and his Diffusion of Innovations theory on this Wikipedia page. Note, especially, the 8 factors that influence people's rate of adopting new products.

Finally, look at this model of the technology adoption curves. Why are they shaped this way? I'm going to ask in class on Tuesday, so be ready!


Click here to get into the Smirnoff Raw Tea website that we talked about in CB today. Notice the constellations of products/brands/slang/etc., and what they say about the people in the videos.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Truly dorky pleasure

My dad sent me this video, created by Columbia Business School (CBS) students.

A little history: Glenn Hubbard, the Dean of CBS, was hoping to be appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve when Alan Greenspan retired. As the former chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisors, this wasn't an outlandish suspicion on his part. Instead, Bush named Ben Bernanke to the post. In the video, the singer is supposed to be Hubbard, and the guy with the beard is Bernanke. I think you'll probably recognize Pres. Bush...


Here's a story on the new wave of so-called "green-collar jobs."

Boycott Wal-Mart

I think this is one of the most shameful examples of corporate behavior I've seen in a long, long time.

My husband was telling me about it over breakfast this morning, and it literally made me feel sick.

What?? Wow!!

The meek shall inherit the earth...

Ball pit madness

Here's the scoop on the heroin-filled syringe in the McDonald's ball pit.

Here's the skinny on snakes (though these snakes are far from skinny) in a ball pit.

Bonus item: Here's a song about a heroin-filled syringe from the amazing Jeff Buckley. (Pay no attention to the first 20 seconds.)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Entrepreneur Day is coming up!

If you want to go to this and eat free, delicious lunch, you'll need to RSVP to Audrey Lee at ext. 7026, or

When: Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Where: Montana State University Strand Union Building Ballrooms C

9:00-9:40 am Registration
9:40-10:00 am Welcome & Overview
10:00-10:15 am Summary of Events
10:15-11:00 am Session I (Glimpse of Entrepreneurship Education at MSU CoB)
11:00-11:10 am Break
11:10-12:10 pm Session II (Young Entrepreneurs in Business)
12:10-1:30 pm Lunch & Keynote (Ballroom B)
1:30-2:45 pm Session III (Ask the Experts)

The College of Business is bringing the fourth annual Entrepreneur Day to Montana State University as part of its on-going community service to enhance entrepreneurial spirit and education. The program design of Entrepreneur Day is intended for high school and college students, but anyone interested in entrepreneurship or business is welcome to attend.

This free event will take place in the Strand Union Ballrooms B & C on the MSU campus Tuesday, April 1. Registration starts at 9:00 a.m., with the final session ending at 3:00 p.m. Reservations are requested by Friday, March 28, but early reservations are suggested as space is limited.

The day will be broken into several panel sessions. Session I will provide students a glimpse into the Alderson Program in Entrepreneurship (the only university program of its kind in the state) and some of the entrepreneurial and business management courses available through the College of Business, in collaboration with The Center for Entrepreneurship for the New West. A panel of students enrolled in these courses will offer insight on projects they are working on, courses designed to provide guidance to future business owners and competitions open to student participation.

A lively interactive conversation between a panel of young entrepreneurs and the audience will take place for Session II. The panelists will share ideas on personal experiences, personality types they believe fit the role of an entrepreneur, educational needs, as well as resources that have helped them develop as entrepreneurs.

Robin Béquet, owner of Béquet Confections, an artisan caramel business, will be the featured keynote speaker during the noon hour luncheon. Over the past six years, Béquet’s high-end, gourmet caramels have won numerous awards in the gourmet food industry. Over 600 gourmet markets and natural food stores across the country carry these award winning, all-natural, Béquet™ Gourmet Caramels.

The final session of the day will be an open question and answer time with a panel of experts who provide services or advice to entrepreneurs beginning and expanding their businesses. They will share knowledge and real-life stories as the group explores what needs to be done, once a business is established, in order for it to succeed.

This is crazy!

I've heard about this before, but never seen it myself.

What an amazing illustration of perceptual selection!

I think it's also a very effective PSA.

Packaging analysis

Hi 341,

Here are the instructions for the packaging analysis, which is due next Tuesday (April 1).

Have fun!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Great article

Does anyone have a Flip yet?

It looks really cool, and to have grabbed 13% market share in its first year is remarkable.

Everyone should read this piece. It's so interesting with regards to both consumer behavior and new product development.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Taste test

So, this isn't as good as the cheeseburger-in-a-can article, but it comes close.

It's just great, on so many levels -- consumer psychology, new product development, promotions & packaging...

Subculture case (MKT 343)

Hi CBers,

Click here to get the questions for the next case, on subcultures, due April 1st.

Please be sure to cite all your sources in all your answers. I know I sound like a broken record, but for those of you who are having trouble with this concept, try this:

Just like in case #2, you should have a minimum of 20 citations in your answers for this assignment. If you have fewer than that, I can pretty much guarantee that you won't make an A. <10, and you won't get a B.

If you're really having trouble with what/how to cite correctly in a research paper, please come and see me during office hours (or make an appointment for another time).

Good luck, and as always, have fun!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Hello to all three classes!

Please look at the calendar at the bottom of this page to see what's going on for the rest of the semester.

CB -- I think (hope) that this is your final calendar. Please note the following:
If you're signed up to do S&T on March 25, you'll need to make it up at another time.
If you're signed up to do S&T on April 1, you'll need to go on March 27 instead.
If you're signed up to do S&T on April 15, you'll need to go on April 8 instead.

Principles -- there will most likely be a bit more shuffling around before the semester is out. I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for your attention, patience and cooperation!

Research assignment (BUS 341)

Click here to access the directions for the research assignment. We'll continue talking about how to do marketing research on Thursday, so you might want to think about questions specific to your firm that you can ask in class.

A few things that you really need to note:
You do not have to collect any data before you turn this in on 3/27.
You do need to tell me how you plan to execute steps 4, 5, & 6 in your writeup due 3/27.
Make sure you turn in two plans -- one for secondary data collection, and one for primary.

One more thing:
If you're planning on conducting an online survey, I highly recommend these guys.

Good luck. Git on it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nike iD

Here's a funny account of a David-and-Goliath tale, only this time it's a Jonah-and-Nike tale...

It's several years old (2001), but since we've been talking so much about branding and attitudes and perception, I thought it would be fun to share.

This is another prank by the same guy, Jonah Peretti. I think it's hilarious, and useful, too! (Click on the "recordings" section to hear what it's all about.)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sick day

To all three classes:

I've got The Bug that has already caught many of you. No classes or office hours today (2/26).

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, esp. for the 8:00 students!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Question #4

This is for the 343 students for case #2.

Read all about a new book here, and click here to watch a fun short video about the 6-word memoir project. You can use these for any of the questions. (I'll be REALLY impressed by anyone who can answer question 1 using one of these!)

And here's a fourth question for you:
#4. Write your own 6-word memoir.

Have fun -- I'm looking forward to reading these!

Funny ad

Hello all,

I can't remember which class was talking about male/female appeals in ads, but I think most people will enjoy this ad.

Please note: this ad shows brief female nudity, and may not be comfortable viewing for all students.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And in other cycling news...

Did you know that one of the best riders in the world is from Butte?

That's right -- last year, Levi Leipheimer won the U.S. national road champion's title, and finished 3rd overall in the Tour de France.

However, even though Levi's never been accused, or even suspected of doping, the team that he signed with this year, Astana, has been barred from racing in the TdF this year. This is a result of Astana's connection with doping during last year's Tour. However, the team management completely cleaned house and reaffirmed its commitment to clean riders for 2008, so this news is a shock, not only for Levi, but for Alberto Contador, who won the Tour last year while racing for Discovery, and was expecting to be allowed to defend his jersey in this summer.


The Tour of California has the most incredible real-time website I've seen.

You don't even have to be a cycling fan to appreciate the live video feed, stats, photos, written commentary, and everything else that they have available.

Very interesting articles

Click here to read about a trend affecting some large retailers.

Then click here to read people's comments about the article.

Then click here to read about folks on the other end of the distribution spectrum.

Veddy intereresting...

Opportunity #2

From Michelle Passmore:

Chinook Wireless is hosting a YouTube commercial contest!

Quick Facts:
•The video must highlight Chinook as a company, or a service or product
•Video must be commercial length (either :30 or 1:00)
•All content must be original (no copyrighted works)
•As many entries as you want (you can only win once however)
•Contestants must be a Montana High School or College Student
•To be considered, you need to fill out the online form (link above)
•Follow YouTube Terms of Service located at

One 1st Prize - Cannon GL2 Video Camera - $1,971.00 value

Five 2nd Prizes - Aiptek A-HD - $144.51 value

Check out the website for more information at

Submissions due February 28th!

Please let your students know about this opportunity and feel free to
contact me with any further questions.

Michelle Passmore
Chinook Wireless
Public Relations Specialist

Opportunity #1

This is from Linda Ward:

Stop by the NAVSEA booth tomorrow and hand in your resumes. They are interviewing on campus Friday. Current career openings include contracting positions in their Naval Acquisition Program (a rotation program similar to the Boeing Management rotation program) and logistics/finance positions in the Naval Career Program.

NAVSEA employs 6,000 people in Keyport, WA, on the beautiful Olympic peninsula (a 30 ferry ride to Seattle).

Note: they call entry level positions "Intern Programs," and summer programs "Summer Programs."

There is a good chance for CoB students to land great summer positions. They have been recruiting MSU engineers for years and want to make MSU single focus for their business recruitment. If students can't make it tomorrow, I have an email to send resumes also. NAVSEA is interested in presenting at future club meeting (all clubs would be wonderful!).

Any student with questions should stop by and see me. Help CoB establish this relationship with a substantial national recruiter, thereby helping our students with career opportunities!

Linda B. Ward
Assistant to the Director
The Bracken Center for Excellence in
Undergraduate Business Education
College of Business - Montana State University
408 Reid Hall
Phone: (406) 994-1995 Fax: (406) 994-6206

341 Slides, part 2

Chapter 5

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 17

Monday, February 18, 2008

Office hours

Hello to all:

Due to my crazy doctor's and PT's schedules this week, the only time they can see me is early afternoon on ... Tuesday and Thursday.

Therefore, I won't be having office hours at the regularly scheduled times this week. Next week will be back to normal. However, please contact me to set up an appointment if you need to get together before then.


PS I'm in week 5 of no walking, so the end of this process is near (I hope!)

343 Case 2 guidelines

Hi other guys,

Click here for materials to write case #2.

341 Segmentation assignment

Hi guys,

Click here to access the written instructions for the segmentation assignment (due Thursday).

Have fun!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mea culpa

Dear 341ers,

This has never happened to me before, but I think I left your SWOT analyses in the classroom last week when you turned them in to me.

Please bring a copy to class with you tomorrow, or to my office at your earliest convenience.

Thanks so much,

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Love Story" assignment

Hi CBers,

In honor of Valentine's Day, your next assignment is to write a love story, due next Tuesday (2.19).

In this short personal essay, please describe something that is or has been priceless to you. Did you buy this special item or was it a gift (or a find…)? Is this item still in use, a thing of the past, or something you could use in the future? If you don't have it anymore, tell me what happened to this item. Most importantly, WHY is this item so meaningful for you? In other words, tell me all about something you'd run back into a burning building to retrieve.

This story can be funny, sad, sweet, etc. as long at it's true and from the heart. If you think you've written a good one, I'll encourage you to read it in class. If you've written something really personal that you don't want to share with anyone (but me), I'll honor that wish.

Please DON'T write about your first girl/boyfriend (or your current gf/bf), your mother, or your dog. I don't doubt you have much love for all of them, but the point of this exercise is to dig into how consumers interact with inanimate objects, and to examine why certain items become so important to certain people.

Good luck, have fun, happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 11, 2008

New additions

I've added links to collected writings by Malcolm Gladwell and Sherman Alexie. They're under the "Websites I like" sidebar on the left-hand side of the page. I strongly encourage everyone to check out both of them -- these guys are so good!

You might know M. Gladwell from a business school class; he's the author of The Tipping Point and Blink, which are excellent books about consumer/market behavior. He does a really great job of researching his material, and then a really great job of writing in an entertaining and informative way. If I could switch lives with anyone for a day, it might be M.G. (I'd also dig having that hair...)

You might know S. Alexie as the winner of the 2007 National Book Award, or maybe as the screenwriter of "Smoke Signals," a very funny/slightly sad movie. Mr. Alexie writes fiction and nonfiction about his life as a Spokane Indian living in the United States -- so again, consumer/market interactions, from a first-person perspective. In social research, this is known as autoethnography; S.A. is very good at it.


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Okay... just... wow...

Want to read about some really interesting consumer behavior?

I thought so...

Friday, February 8, 2008

More opportunities for you!

PrintingForLess will be in the Bracken Center, 2/20/2007 from 3:00-5:00 to visit with students and accept resumes for positions. Please come take advantage of this opportunity!

Also, click here to access an updated list of firms recruiting CoB students at the Almost Spring Career Fair. If anyone talks to the BLM about the marketing position(s) they're hiring for, I'd love to hear what that's about!

Finally, if you're looking for a job and you haven't already done so, you should register with Career Services. (Principles students please take note of the mission statement at the bottom of the page!) They also have a very good page full of resources for you here.

I'm forwarding this invitation

COB Students,

On March 5th, American Bank along with the Finance Club is hosting a Student/Professional Mixer for all Options. Last year there were about 40 local business professionals who attended the event. It is a great opportunity for you to meet and network with local business people.

All MSU COB students and faculty are invited to attend. Refreshments will be provided by American Bank and RSVP’s are required. If you wish to attend, please sign up in the Bracken Center (4th floor Reid) no later than February 22. It will be a great event! If you sign-up and cannot attend, please notify me by February 29th as American Bank is planning food based on your attendance.

Where: American Bank: 1632 West Main Street (across from Hastings/McDonalds)
When: March 5, 5:30 pm
Dress: Business Casual

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time!


Cairn Clark
MSU Finance Club President
Phone: (406) 396-3499

Chapter 10 -- BUS 341

Hi everyone,

for the exam on Tuesday, you need to know the information contained in pages 268-281. Even though we didn't cover these slides in class, we discussed the information contained in this first part of the chapter, and there were several very good show & tell presentations that covered this material.

When you're studying, you don't need to memorize facts about Generation X (for example), but rather concentrate on the concepts behind the bold-faced terms. So, continuing this example, you want to focus on how and when personality traits + demographic characteristics are useful in segmenting the market.
Here's an online study guide that you might find useful.

If you have any questions about anything, please send me an email.

Good luck, and have a great weekend,

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Miller Brewing Co.'s Super Bowl ad

So Miller didn't try to compete with Budweiser in the Super Bowl ad extravaganza. What did they do instead to try to catch some of the XLII buzz?

Watch it here. Also, read the comments below the video for insight into how they got this on air by the next morning.

What do you think? Genius or useless?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Two good articles

There's great marketing stuff in yesterday's New York Times.

Check out this article on innovation, and this one on branding.

SWOT instructions

Hi 341ers,

Find instructions for your SWOT analysis here.

Note: In a SWOT, you should keep your descriptions brief and to the point, but not so brief that your audience doesn't know what you're talking about.

Poor example: "Competitors"

Better examples: "New firms entering same market space" or "Established firms working to hold market share"

See the difference?

Please ask any questions you might have in class, or during office hours, or in an email.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Super Bowl fun

Want to get your marketing pre-game on?

Click here, or here, or here.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Possible 341 final project

Hi 341ers,

One of your MSU colleagues heard about this class project, and asked if we could help. He and his family run an organic goat dairy (in Belgrade, I think), and need to put together a marketing plan. As of now, they primarily sell cheese, but are looking into selling compost as well, both in bulk and at the retail level.

Please let me know if you're interested -- they would be really grateful, and you'd have an excellent hands-on experience that you'd get to see put into practice.


Thursday office hours

I'll only be having office hours from 1:00-2:00 tomorrow.

Lecture slides for 341

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 10

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Consumer behavior assignment

Hey 343,

Here's the first case. Follow the directions posted below, and have fun!

Don't wait to start this until the night before it's due. You'll be sad and tired the next day if you do.

The italic words in the questions are big clues as to what to look for in the readings, and what to write about in your answers.

CITE ALL YOUR SOURCES, even the textbook, even if you put something into your own words.

Have your roommate/friend/co-worker/significant other read your "final" draft to check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Fix said errors. Re-print. This will be your final draft.

Good luck, work hard, have fun!

Directions for case studies

Click here to access the directions for all the case studies.

Jobs and internships

Find the latest and greatest info here.

Another fun event

"Bicycle Eccentric" and "Bicycle Eclectic" are coming to the Emerson next month.

If you're interested in crazy/beautiful homemade bikes, this is the show for you!

You and your sweetie can enjoy an extra-long Valentine's celebration by going to the grand opening of the show on Feb. 15th. There's even a reception from 6:00-8:00 pm.

The language of politics

Here's an interesting article analyzing President Bush's use of language in last night's State of the Union address.

Please note that the people doing the analysis aren't linguists, or political theorists, but rather, college professors, one in business school and the other in communication.

But guess who does have a Ph.D. in politics? Frank Luntz!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Group formation

Hello BUS 341ers,

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day -- we're going to finish watching The Persuaders and discuss it in class, then we're going to sign up for Show & Tells and for your group projects.

Therefore, it's important that you come to class prepared. I recommend thinking about who you want in your group (some of you already know, I'm sure, and some have no idea). Groups can be no larger than 5 people. Also, please start thinking about which firm you'd like to put together a marketing plan for. Remember, it doesn't have to be Bozeman local (i.e., you can choose someone from your hometown, or just a small firm that you like), but you should make sure that you're picking someone who could use your expert advice and assistance.

See you all tomorrow,

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Excellent Event!

All business, but especially marketing students, should try to go to see William Malek next Monday, Jan. 28th, 5:10-6:30 in Reid 105.

The marketing club, headed by our own Joe Meyers, is bringing him in as a special guest.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Here are the syllabi for courses I'm teaching in spring 2008, in case you lose yours during the semester.


Consumer Behavior

Broke leg mountain

Hi everyone,

Guess what I did at Bridger this weekend? Yes, one minute I was bombing down Bobcat (last run of the day, naturally), and the next, I was thinking, "Oh, this isn't good..."

So my left knee is pretty messed up, though not as badly as it could be. I have a broken (but not displaced) fibula where the FCL attaches, and a torn medial meniscus.

See the anatomy here

What this means for my teaching is that I'll be in my office less than I expected to be, at least while I'm on crutches and there's snow and ice around. There's no parking close to Reid Hall, even for handicapped access, so I have to depend on my husband to chauffeur me door-to-door, and he has his own responsibilities to work around. I'll still be in class and have the same office hours, but my availability on MWF will probably be less than I was expecting it to be.

Anyway, it's not a great situation, but not nearly as bad as it could be.

See you in class tomorrow, and CB'ers, don't forget you have an assignment due!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Internship information

Please read for very important information! This should be available via Google Docs.


Hello everyone, and welcome to spring semester 2008!

Although I've used electronic communications in my teaching before, this is my first attempt at blogging. We'll see how it goes...

I hope to be able to use this blog to post articles, videos, audio clips, assignments, and calendar entries. I hope that you will all use it to access these materials, as well as to communicate with each other, and me, as we learn about the exciting world that is marketing.

And what is this world, this marketing world? That's what I want you to tell me. Share your answers in the comments section of this post.

Have fun, and good luck!